Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Death of the Quarterback

My friends, it is getting closer and closer by the second. Can you feel it? I sure can. I can feel it deep inside my loins like a flaming golden hawk. The very real end of the True NFL Quarterback.

People who really know me know my deep passion for football. I still don't even completely know what is going on in the NBA right now, even though we are a month deep. I personally watched Larry Fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin (from 8 rows up, 43 yard-line) tear my Seahawks a new cornhole this year.

What I also saw was an all too common sight in Seattle, and in many other NFL cities around the country: Terrible Quarterback play (Matt Hasselfuck), by poor QBs. Not to say there are no good QB's in the league, or that Hasselbeck is that bad (even though I've never trusted him) but let's face it, gone are the days when John Elway will take that 7 step drop, check out 5 different recievers, then let a freaking missile go 50 yards down field. No longer will Mark Rypien duck 7 different lineman, change sides of the field 3 times, then thread a needle through the middle of the field.

These days, Madden Video game-multiple-running back-QB at WR craziness is gaining ground in the NFL as the 'Old Guard NFL coaches' are slowly leaving us. Colleges run insane no-huddle spread offenses where half the time, the QB is expected to take off running after multiple fake handoffs, or faked passes. This is slowly being worked in to NFL offenses as QBs in college are no longer step back, fire one off, take a hit if I need to, take off running as a last resort-types. Steve Young started it, Michael Vick ruined it forever. (No not dogfighting) They ruined the traditional quarterback position. Man I love QBs. The days when they would take a mean-ass hit time after time and still get up and go have been Penalized, and Injuried-out in today's football. These days, QBs are such pansies that Andy Belvin's little ass could be one. He would love it! You never get hit just run around scared, and then try to look really damn good on the sideline while dating 20-something Music/Porn/Model girls on the one off day every week. Tim Tebow is my perfect example in college, in the NFL, this is obviously Tony Romo.

These guys aren't even HALF the QB that Elway, Favre, Rypien, Marino, Bledsoe, Montana, Brady and many others were. These are lesser men who just want to be faces, rather than true NFL Leaders. The Real Quarterback. I'm not saying they don't love their teams, or are poor teamates or whatever, I'm just saying, at the end of the day, these guys don't bleed NFL Football like the old guys used to.

I am a traditionalist. I love my football, but the NFL needs to stick to its old roots, and keep it different than College. Bring back the days when NFL coaches were teachers of the game (see: Mike Holmgren circa 1994) and knew how to mold their players, and not to mold their plan to players abilities.

Anyways, if there are any QBs I need to list that are true NFL'ers, let me know. Let me know you care about your football too.


1 comment:

  1. fuck you bitch. I love the stand in the pocket and blast frozen ropes type of qb as much as the next person.

    Shit you should see the typical Madden Franchise. Every year it's the same thing. I start with an old qb on a shitty team (think Detroit) draft a qb in the mid rounds (I like to get recievers, running backs and linebackers witht he first two, unles there is a dandy out there)

    THen I let that qb ride the pine and develop his ass for two seasons. By year three, or the end of year two, he's thrown into the fire.

    Handoff, handoff, pass. Handoff, pass, pass, handoff, PLAY FUCKING ACTION. THats the way foot ball needs to be.

    That being said, who am I to say no to Steve Young?
