Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So, there I was. Yesterday, actually, watching all the morons in Portland on the news trying to drive in the snow, and I about had a stroke, it hurt so much to watch the stupidity. With headlines like "Winter Storm" or "Portland Snow Storm '08" you would think that something major that happens once a millenia just went down. But like the old saying goes, it's like watching a train wreck, you just have to stop and see the destruction.

If you sit and watch long enough you can recite all of the school/event closings in order without looking, to anyone, instantly letting them know how bored you were. This was me yesterday. And it all makes me very annoyed.

Granted, 95% of drivers I see in Oregon don't really know how to drive anyways, but I digress.

I must be crazy, because it seems to me that at least every other year it snows fairly heavily, or ices over, in the Metro area, and every year it is the same complete chaos, like every year Portland replaced it's citizens like an 80 year old replaces blood, starting all over again with new morons that have huge SUV's, and have absoluteley no clue how to drive them in any kind of weather other than sunny. I don't understand how people get these things thinking just because they have an SUV that means they can just drive however, wherever they want. Now, this gets even more crazy because it RAINS in Portland all the fucking time, and people still don't know how to drive in that either. Add a little 20 degree action to that, and BAM! Total loss of brain to car driving function. It's as if the snow drugs all the people into making stupid decisions that make me wonder how in the hell these people have licenses in the first place. Add a Cell phone in there maybe, and it's even worse. It's like a Chevy Snow Bomb on wheels, and all hell has broken loose.

It's not very hard people. Driving on snow or ice requires only a few things from the driver.
1: Having good tires and/or traction devices to go with them.
2: Having patience to drive a lot slower than normal.
4: Don't turn abruptly, because you will lose traction.

Following these basic rules will keep your car going where you want it to go, without wrecking. The other part, being not stupid, is up to you. I have wrecked before, but it was in sunny clear conditions where people were speeding and there wasn't much I could do about it. I have never had a major wreck in the snow because I am smart, and understand basic physics of heavy chunk of metal on wheels to icy surface. Look into it.

This is also my call to all drivers education classes to require a bad weather portion of class in order to get a license. Maybe that will help.

But I doubt it.

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